The Social Network is based on the true story of how founder Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook with his friends. The opening scene of the movie sets up the movie with a conversation between Zuckerberg and his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. From a Feminist Criticism reponse, it would appear that woman portrayed as the girlfriend is beneath Zuckerberg in status and reflects the male character as narsacistic, inept and socially incapable of having a normal relationship. Since The Social Network is a movie told from a male perspective, the role of women in this movie seem to be one of sexual stereotypes. The woman is used as a device to show Zuckerberg’s personality. In fact, no woman in the film has a fully developed character, but each woman offers a part of a woman. The school girl ex-friend is the unobtainable romanctic partner, another woman is portrayed as easy and as a groupie nut case who later sets fire to the bed of one of Zuckerberg’s friends.
This movie trailer shows the trailer for “The Social Network” based on the story of Facebook origins. Listen to the conversation between the girl and the guy.
How women are portrayed as “the bitch” and compared to “farm animals” in the movie “The Social Network”
Women portrayed as groupies in “The Social Network”
“The Social Network” portraying women as takers.
For students:
Watch the clips above and answer the following questions about the women portrayed in each clip.
1) What role do the female characters play in the scene. How is the women portrayed? In your point of view, is it positive or negative? Does YOUR gender determine how you feel about this female character? Do you think that the female roles reflect a true picture of what a woman is?
2) How does the female character reinforce stereotypes?
3) How does the female character distort how woman are in your experience.
Watch the clips again, this time reflect on the following:
1) As you know, discourses are ways of knowing and thinking. How does each clip serve to support or perpetuate the idea that women are sexual objects?
2) Identify the discourse operating in the clips related to women.
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