Look Younger At Any Age with Pellevé and Sculptra® Aesthetic
By Michael Stampar, D.O.
How, after 21 years in facial plastic surgery, can Dr. Michael Stampar guarantee a more youthful appearance in just one day, without pain or downtime, whether you are 27 or 77? Aging causes a gradual loss of soft tissue volume and collagen support in the face, resulting in flattening, softening and eventual sagging of the skin. The soft tissues over high cheekbones flatten, eyes become “puffy” and tired looking and the normal youthful, rounded curves of the midface are replaced with lines, grooves and hollows. When surgical procedures are done without considering volume loss and collagen restoration, a patient's skin will look smoother and tighter for a short time, but not younger! To truly make the majority of aging faces look 5–10 years younger at any age, firming and smoothing the skin envelope and restoring soft tissue volume loss is key. The most painless, reliable and longest-lasting procedure to do so involves combining non-surgical, deep, thermally induced skin tightening using the Pellevé skin tightening and wrinkle reduction procedure with true natural collagen volume restoration by injecting deficient areas with Sculptra® Aesthetic. Over the past four years, Stampar has perfected this combined approach to the aging face, training other specialists and treating hundreds of patients of all ages without major complications or a single revision. He has perfected the Pellevé procedure to reliably and painlessly smooth and tighten facial and neck skin, with the results lasting for two years or more. For patients looking to reverse or stall the facial aging process, Pellevé serves as the cornerstone for maintaining facial firmness, smoothness and collagen retention. The procedure's results are immediate and improve over months, with one to three treatments lasting 18–36 months. If maintained every 18– 24 months, the results are never fully lost and require only touch-up procedures to maintain a more youthful look, especially when combined with Sculptra® treatments. Sculptra® Aesthetic provides true volume restoration resulting from new collagen formation that has been observed to last longer than any artificial filler or fat, with 80 percent persisting after two years. Sculptra®is placed artistically in small amounts, allowing for accurate restoration
regardless of the location, shape or severity of the soft tissue inadequacy. Through these two procedures, Stampar can truly sculpt your facial tissues, with the Pellevé wand firming skin and erasing wrinkles and the Sculptra® injections restoring your natural, more youthful facial shape. Radiesse®, another type of soft tissue filler, can also be used in volume restoration and line filling for more immediate results in appropriate patients.
“Although a well-performed facelift can take years off advanced aged faces, nothing restores or retains a person’s prior natural, more youthful appearance like volume restoration does," Stampar said. "Most of us age by 'deflation and descent.' The combination of non-surgical skin tightening with Pellevé and Sculptra® Aesthetic volume restoration has allowed me to make my patients look younger at any age. After all, most of us just want to look a little more like we used to. As I say, 'Pick an age and stick with it!'"
For a free consultation, call Dr. Stampar at 941-205-3030 or visit http://www.lookyoungeratanyage.com
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