Time for Radical Change
In June I swore to myself I was never going to let another birthday go by where I didn’t have a party or some great plan or someone fun to hang out with. I can’t tell you how many June’s I’ve made that promise to myself- the promise that I was going to change so that by the time the next year came around and another birthday passed things would be different- definitely that I’d have more friends, more fun, maybe some presents or cards from someone besides my grandma and my car insurance company.
Now, everything bad in my life is not my ex-husbands fault. I was either a passive participant or chose not to do anything for a very long time about things I knew needed to change. I’m come to the realization that NOT DOING ANYTHING can become a very terrible habit. It is very alluring, especially when you are always operating from a place where you are tired, sad, lonely, feeling depressed and unable to see how change could ever make things better anyway. The big thing is to work hard to change the default setting in my mind from NOT DOING ANYTHING to DOING SOMETHING even if it is just something small and it’s nearly all that really needs to be done to fix the problem- it is still something which is way more than nothing ever is.
I’ve gotten more done to CHANGE myself and how I feel inside in a few months using this method than I was able to do in years before. It used to be that when I decided that things were horrible and needed to change I’d go on a big crusade to change everything all at once. Most of the time this lasted a day or a week or a month, but the big change never stuck. Eventually things would drift back down to basically the way they used to be whether it was the state of the house, my weight, not taking any time to do anything fun.
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My life’s journey is about helping others to realize their potential, to mentor others and encourage their dreams to become reality, to help others grow, to offer counsel and support, to offer a helping hand and is realized by being a catalyst for change.
Kristina Blasen is a transformative life coach working with clients nationwide. She specializes in working with teens and adults to help them discover their life purpose and create a plan to turn their dreams into reality. She believes strongly in radical change! Do you need radical change in your life? She may be reached at: the.next.level.life.coach@gmail.com
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